Wednesday, 3 August 2011

From little things, BIG things grow!

It started as a good idea.  Formed in the back of my mind, constantly pushed aside because I have been "too busy"...  But then I scribbled on a piece of paper and it seemed do-able.  I spoke to a few people in not so confident whispers and they said "Do it, we'll contribute".  I posted in a forum I'm a member of and got a great response.  Then, somehow - it became real.

Some very exciting things have happened this last week.  I have been getting a several emails a day from people who are wishing (so generously) to share their stories.  Already, I have three completed stories in my hot little hands.  One is a 22 page journal which I am working my way through (box of tissues beside me) and will use appropriate sections of in the book.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed by all the support and peoples willingness to talk about the moments that changed their lives.  For every one of you that has shared this, has offered to contribute or are reading this now I thank you.  From the bottom of my heart, thankyou for helping me make this happen.

In the next week or so I will be popping a list of questions that you can answer if you are wanting to write but just have no clue where to start or what to say.  So keep your eye out for that.

Enjoy your night (go hug your children)

Trine xxx


  1. Hi Trine, I am really enjoying reading your blog. Love the name of it, suits what you are going to achieve. Been getting thru my journey with Veronika for you, but it's a lot harder to write than I thought it would be. Am finding some of those emotions are resurfacing as I write, but I will get there. Keep up the great work you are putting into this Trine
    Xxx Kyls

  2. You know Kylee - without your support and eagerness to jump onboard this may have continued as just being "another good idea" that I'd had. I have invested well in tissues and expect I'll need several to work through your story with Miss V. Thankyou for putting yourself through the re-telling.... I know it is hard. xxx

  3. Wow - this is exciting and important news. Congratulations on well and truly getting your project up and running!

  4. Love the name of the blog and look forward to reading more!

  5. Thankyou artfindskate and MarsupialMama :)

    I think to do this I'm stealing from the not spare time area of my life just for the minute - however, everyone is still happy, when that ceases, I'll lay off a little for a while (or "find" more midnight hours ;))

  6. Kudos to a worthy project. Thank you for stumbling across my blog and commenting on it. I published a book about my daughter's first three months called "Bella's Blessings: a Humble Story of Providence." I would be happy to share an excerpt from that book if it fits. Feel free to email me at and we can discuss further what you would like for inclusion. Cheers. Tim Ringgold

  7. goodluck to your project... thanks for visiting my blog.
