Tuesday 8 November 2011

The donation has grown... I'm so touched xx

You are all incredible.

Your support for this project is so appreciated.

For every "share" of my blog and page


This post is exciting... well.. I'm excited.. and touched.. and a little emotional..

I have another announcement, one which had me shedding a quiet little happy tear (I am very tired today.. I loathe hate detest croup and my poor little boys weak respiratory system.  Annnnyways...)

I received a message from ANOTHER wonderful young woman, Casey Lange who had been reading my blog and asked if she also could match my donation to the charity of choice from tomorrows hat picking draw...

Could she?

My good goodness YES!!

How incredible is that?  How beautiful!!

I am exhausted today, but the messages I've been receiving and the support for what I'm doing has me so uplifted.

I am so incredibly grateful to you all for reading, following, sharing, liking, talking about, supporting and encouraging my project.

This is just a little something to give back to everyone.

You ALL deserve this donation.

But it's okay...

I'm working on something else for a little later on ;)

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